Friday, July 6, 2018

Dear Investors, It’s Time To Face The Real Facts

by WatchTower | 05/07/2018 |

Many of the existing blockchain startups that are looking to raise money are not real businesses. Yes, they have ideas, often brilliant ones that almost sound too good to be true. And then… that’s it. Nothing but ideas put on paper with no clue on how to fully execute it to make the promised prototype. So, time goes by with no real tested product and the investor’s trust starts to diminish.

“Many of the existing blockchain startups that are looking to raise money are not real businesses.”

Several business consultants and companies are out there now. Each with the determination to stand out from the crowd in what they do. They specialize in helping startup companies / dreamers craft their whitepaper and business plans in order to attract investors. Next time you see a beautiful whitepaper think of this. Endeavour not to have so much conviction in its content but also Do Your Own Research. Don’t get me wrong, whitepapers are and should be the first step, but it should be a determinant for the first 10% of the investment decision only. The real determinant goes far beyond this.
“Business consultants and companies…. specialize in helping startup companies (dreamers) craft their whitepaper and business plans in order to attract investors.”
Choosing the right blockchain token to invest in takes more than just skimming a whitepaper, a great promise, and a fancy website.  What you need is in the real details from the team to the existing product and the future expectations for its adoption. See the whitepaper as what it is, a means of coercion and the fancy websites as a possible means of deceit.

Let’s recall that investment by definition is the act of putting money or effort into something (a business) to make a profit after a scheduled time. Determining the worthwhileness of the investment for your hard-earned money is of extreme importance. Making investment decisions requires time. Time is very precious and time is what you might not feel you have. Time to learn and know more about a new industry. This could very well be associated with why many investors tend to make costly mistakes. They do not take their time to learn or they don’t have the interest to know more about a new industry.
“…determining the worthwhileness of the investment…. requires time…. to learn and know more about a new industry.”
Let me tell you a few things that you need to know about the Blockchain industry. Call it the summary of all important points, or a thousand pages in few lines. Blockchain is a public ledger in which peer-to-peer transactions are stored securely using cryptography in a verifiable and permanent way creating endless chains of data blocks that can’t be tampered with. It is a way to structure data, decentralized and secured with Cryptocurrency as one of its outstanding by-products.
It’s not up for debate anymore that an investment in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency can be very worthwhile, but it needs to be done right. As an investor, aren’t you tired of false promises and failure to deliver and market hypes with no real achievements? Failures always eventually lead to a dump and this we all know. The sad and bitter end of the few minutes of fame. This can all be averted if only we take a few minutes or even hours, weeks, months to learn about what we invest our hard-earned income of years into, for years to come.
Now that we have got the basics out of the way, let’s talk about a few investment options. Most importantly, let’s talk about the blockchain platform that can be powered by the sun. Let’s dialogue about the blockchain platform with a built-in Decentralized Exchange. With fully developed features such as voting, encrypted messaging, p2p marketplace, basic cloud storage and more. Let’s dialogue about Ardor and Nxt blockchain technologies.
“Let’s talk about the blockchain platform that can be powered by the sun.”
A worthwhile blockchain investment will satisfy some conditions if it were to be successful. Ardor satisfies these conditions:
1. It will not be costly for the environment
2. It is a working product not just a promise.
3. The team is proven professionals and experienced blockchain engineers
4. The tech solves the Blockchain bloat problem-it can scale globally
5. Ardor brings the true nature of decentralization into effect by giving everyone the chance to participate and earn interest for securing the blockchain network.
These conditions are already fully developed and functional on the Ardor and Nxt blockchain. Below are some bullet points that can really be useful in getting to know more about these real investments opportunities and what makes them so different from the rest:
The Nxt asset exchange can be and has been used as a crowdfunding platform to kick-start projects and businesses.
Nxt also offers a classic ICO platform. It automatically returns the funds to the investors, if the fundraiser’s monetary goal isn’t met.
Nxt provides an authentication system that allows Nxt accounts holders to prove they are in control of the account.
Nxt offers a “Plugins” feature enabling third party software developers to add functionality to the Nxt client.
Nxt offers a bank statement similar function called the ‘account ledger’ enabling users to see what in-and outgoing transactions have been made from their account.
Some of the other tested features of Nxt includes but are not limited to: an asset exchange, a monetary system that allows you to create coins, voting, Data cloud and account control.
Nxt also offers a blockchain creation kit that allows you to easily launch a clone of Nxt, 10% of the Nxt clone’s tokens must be distributed to Nxt holders according to the JPL.
Ardor can be as reliable as Nxt, as it has the same years of experience in team and technology using PoS consensus algorithm eliminating mining competition and high energy usage.
Ardor invented the concept of child chains,  where transactions are removed from the blockchain and stored in the cloud once they are confirmed, hence solving the blockchain bloat problem, a major blockchain issue.
Ardor is developed in Java, same as Nxt, the most popular development language for commercial production.
Ardor’s parent-child chain architecture allows companies to build their products and services using ready-to-use and interconnected child chains relying on the security provided by the parent chain. Ignis being the first permissionless child chain, with all the features of Nxt and the Ardor platform.
Ardor offers lightweight contracts that don’t require the whole network to confirm all transactions for each dApp, and Jelurida is working on child chain subnets, decentralized storage, researching DAG implementations, and more.

In this new era of ICOs and new exchanges coming up, you will notice fake volumes, deceitful hypes, and pump-focused marketing plans. Sometimes it’s like a battle of who can fake it best and run away with billions in funds. A once great idea remains a great one but too often it is used for a selfish purpose in a short-term profit con. The resulting major problem is that blockchain startups are now being judged by biased analytics, fake adoptions and the high expectations of traders looking to get to the moon from the deep bottom of the planet in seconds.

We, as investors, need to judge right and ask the factual questions. Once again, look beyond the fancy websites, and perfected whitepapers, fake volumes, paper ideas and cunning promises. If you must judge, which you should as an investor, take a look at the founders, the team as a whole, the existing technology, future plans and their probability of success. Take, for example, a closer look at Jelurida’s projects. Look deep into Nxt, Ardor, and Ignis and rest assured you will not have to look any further.

This is a call to all investors, prospective and existing. A call to follow the voice of guidance through the dark path of deceit and choose wisely. Below are what others have to say about the company and their blockchain projects:
“For a property project with potentially millions of users and assets worldwide, blockchain bloat and functionality are of a primary concern to us”, says Dominium’s Managing Director, Mark Lloyd.

“Having closely followed several blockchain technologies from conception, including Ethereum, we strongly feel that Ardor is the platform with the best features for our business, especially the controlled trading of assets”, says Joost de Kruiff, a Dominium Blockchain Advisor.

“Ardor is doing some pretty important work thinking about new ways to structure blockchain infrastructure and security. If done correctly, the end result could be a solution that any business could implement without needing extensive technical expertise or ongoing maintenance”, says Bennett Garner, Coin Central.

“Nxt is an amazing and ambitious project. I’m truly excited to see Ardor in operation”, says Coinist.

“Ardor operates on a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) model, supporting many use cases out of the box and makes it easy for anyone to get into the blockchain space, while also allowing developers to build their own solutions on top of it”, says TROND VIDAR BJORØY, Head of Product development and Implementation- ATPI Nordics.

“Ardor is also a platform well suited for running ICOs — anyone is able to create a new currency and issue an ICO in a few minutes, making it a more accessible alternative to Ethereum”, says TROND VIDAR BJORØY, Head of Product development and Implementation- ATPI Nordics.
“Ardor is a major blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that helps companies to share digital currency with ease”, says Bitcoin Exchange Guide.

“Jelurida is not just another blockchain service provider. It has developed a customizable blockchain infrastructure that is ready for customer use”, says Cryptovest.

“Ardor solves the blockchain bloat issue with its prunable child chain infrastructure, which side chains do not solve”, says

“Ardor is the “WordPress of blockchain”, it was designed with simplicity, as such, offers a stress-free interface to users without the need for coding”, says Yusuf Olayode;


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Ezigbo Ego, Ọ bụ Oge Ịgwa Onwe Anyị Eziokwu
site WatchTower | 05/07/2018 |
Ọtụtụ ụlọ ọrụ ọhụrụ na-ekpuchi ego na-achọ ịzụlite ego bụ ihe nkwụsị. Ee, ha nwere echiche ahia, ọtụtụ mgbe ndị ọma nwere ike ịda ụda. Mgbe ahụ ... ọ na-agwụ elu ịbụ ojoro. Nke a abụghị ihe ọ bụla ma e wezụga echiche ndị e debere na akwụkwọ na-enweghị nkọwa maka otu esi mezuo ya dị ka e kwere ná nkwa. Ya mere, a na-egbusi oge na-enweghị ezigbo ihe ọ ga - eme, ego ahụ na - amalitekwa inwe ntụkwasị obi.
"Ọtụtụ n'ime ụlọ ọrụ ọhụrụ ndị na-ekpuchi ego na-achọ ịzụlite ego bụ azụmahịa ndị dị adị."

Ọtụtụ ndị ọkachamara na ndị ụlọ ahịa na-apụ ugbu a. Onye ọ bụla n'ime mkpebi ahụ dị iche iche na ihe ha na-eme. Ha na-enyere aka na ụlọ ọrụ ọhụrụ na ndị nrọ dee ederede akwụkwọ akụkọ ha na atụmatụ achụmnta ego iji dọta ndị investors. Oge ọzọ ị hụrụ otu akwụkwọ ọcha mara mma banyere nke a. Enweghi nkwenye siri ike n'inwe ya kamakwa ime nyocha onwe gi. Emela m ihe na-ezighi ezi, akwụkwọ akụkọ kwesịrị ịbụ nzọụkwụ mbụ, ma ọ ga - ekpebi naanị 10% nke mkpebi ego gị naanị. Ihe ndị dị mkpa ị ga-atụle gafere nke a.
"Ndị ọkachamara na ndị ụlọ ọrụ .... Na-enyere ndị ụlọ ọrụ ọhụrụ (nrọ) aka ide akwụkwọ akụkọ ha na atụmatụ achụmnta ego ka ha wee dọta ndị na-etinye ego. "

Ịhọrọ ezigbo ego nkwụnye ego iji tinye ego abụghị nanị ịgụ akwụkwọ ọcha, nkwa dị ukwuu, na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ magburu onwe ya. Ihe ị chọrọ dị na nkọwa ndị sitere na otu banyere ngwaahịa dị ugbu a na atụmanya n'ọdịnihu maka nkwenye ya. Lee akwụkwọ ọcha ahụ dịka ụzọ isi na-eme ihe ike na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ mara mma dịka ụzọ aghụghọ si eme.
Ka anyị cheta na itinye ego pụtara itinye ego ma ọ bụ mgbalị n'ime ihe (azụmahịa) iji nweta uru mgbe oge ezubere. Ịchọpụta uru nke ego ahụ maka ego ị na-ata ahụhụ dị ezigbo mkpa. Ị chọrọ oge tupu ikpebie itinye ego. Oge dị oké ọnụ ahịa ma oge bụ ihe ị nwere ike ọ gaghị eche na ị nwere. Oge ịmụta na ịmatakwu banyere azụmahịa ọhụrụ. Nke a nwere ike jikọta ya na ihe mere ọtụtụ ndị na-etinye ego na-eji eme nnukwu ihe. Ha anaghị ewepụta oge iji mụta ihe maọbụ na ha enweghị mmasị ịmatakwu banyere ịzụ ọhụrụ.
"... iji chọpụta eziokwu nke buis .... chọrọ oge .... ịmụta na ịmatakwu banyere ọwa ọhụrụ. "

Ka m kọọrọ gị ihe ole na ole ị chọrọ ịma banyere ụlọ ọrụ Blockchain. Kpoo ya nchịkọta nke ndụmọdụ niile dị mkpa, ma ọ bụ otu puku ibe na ibe ole na ole. Blockchain bụ akwụkwọ ọha na eze nke a na-echekwa azụmahịa nke ọ bụla n'otu n'otu na-echekwa ya site na iji nchịkọta akụkọ mee ihe na-adịgide adịgide na-emepụta ihe eji emepụta ihe ọmụma nke a na-enweghị ike ime. Ọ bụ ụzọ ịmepụta ihe ọmụma, n'enweghị ikike zuru oke ma chekwaa Cryptocurrency dịka otu n'ime ngwaahịa ndị dị ịrịba ama.
Ọ bụghị maka arụmụka ọzọ na itinye ego na Blockchain na Cryptocurrency nwere ike ịba uru, ma ọ dị mkpa ka a mee ya nke ọma. Dị ka onye na-emefu ego, ike ịgha ụgha na ịghara ịkwado na ịkwalite mgbasa ozi na-akwadoghị, ike enweghị ezigbo ihe ọ rụpụtara? Ihe nkwụsị na-emecha mee ka ndị na-ere ahịa na-ere ahịa ma nke a anyị maara. Ọnwụ dị mwute ma dị ilu nke minit ole na ole nke ama ama. Enwere ike igbochi nke a ma ọ bụrụ na anyị na-ewe minit ole na ole ma ọ bụ ọbụna awa, izu, ọnwa iji mụta ihe anyị na-etinye ego nke ego anyị nwetara siri ike ruo ọtụtụ afọ, ruo ọtụtụ afọ.
Ugbu a na anyị enwetatụla ihe ọmụma dị omimi, ka anyị kwuo okwu banyere nhọrọ nhọrọ ole na ole. Nke kachasị mkpa, ka anyị kwuo okwu banyere bọsnesd nke nwere ike ịnweta ike anyanwụ. Ka anyị kwurịta banyere ọkpụkpọ ihe nkwado ahụ na-enweghị ihe ọ bụla. Na njirimara zuru ezu dị ka ntuli aka, ozi ezoro ezo, ụlọ ahịa mmadụ n'otu n'otu, ebe nchekwa na-enweghị ike inweta na ihe ndị ọzọ. Ka anyị kwuo banyere ARDOR na NXT blockchain.
"Ka anyị kwuo okwu banyere ịkụnye ihe ngọngọ nke anyanwụ nwere ike inye."
Achọpụta ngọngọ nke bara uru ga-egboju ụfọdụ ọnọdụ ma ọ bụrụ na ọ ga-aga nke ọma. ARDOR na-emeju ọnọdụ ndị a:

1. Ọ gaghị efu ọnụ maka gburugburu ebe obibi
2. Ọ bụ ngwaahịa na-arụ ọrụ ọ bụghị naanị nkwa.
3. Ndị otu ọkachamara na ndị ọkachamara na-egbochi blockchain nwere ndị otu
4. Teknụzụ na-eme ka Blockchain kwụsị nsogbu-ọ nwere ike SCALE n'ụwa dum
5. ARDOR na-eweta ezi ọdịdị nke ịghara inwe ikike dị mkpa site n'inye onye ọ bụla ohere iji kere òkè ma nweta ego maka ịchọta netwọk blockchain.

Ọnọdụ ndị a abanyelarịrị na arụ ọrụ na ARDOR na NXT blockchain. N'okpuru ebe a bụ isi ihe ndị nwere ike ịba uru n'inweta ịmatakwu banyere ohere ndị a dị ezigbo mkpa na ihe mere ha ji dị iche na ndị ọzọ:

• Ntụle Nxt EXCHANGE nwere ike ịbụ ma jiri ya mee ihe iji nweta ego iji malite azụmahịa.
• Nxt na-enyekwa usoro ICO zuru okè. Ọ na-eweghachi ego nye ndị na-etinye ego, ma ọ bụrụ na ego enweghi ụlọ ọrụ.
• Nxt na-enye usoro nyocha nke na-enye ndị njide akaụntụ Nxt aka igosi na ha na-achịkwa akaụntụ ahụ.
• Nxt na-enye otu ihe "Plugins" nke na-eme ka ndị ọkachamara SOFTWARE ndị ọzọ gbakwunye ọrụ na Nxt ahịa.
• Nxt na-enye otu ọrụ ọrụ ego nke a na-akpọ 'akaụntụ akaụntụ' na-enyere ndị ọrụ aka ịhụ ihe na-abata ma si na akaụntụ ha pụta.
• Ụfọdụ n'ime njirimara ndị ọzọ a nwalere nke Nxt gụnyere ma ejedebeghị na: ọnye ego, usoro ego nke na-enye gị ohere ịmepụta mkpuchi, ịkọ ntuli, nchekwa data na-enweghị ike ịchọta na njikwa akaụntụ.
• Nxt na-enyekwa ngwá ọrụ na-egbochi blockchain nke na-enye gị ohere ịmepụta ihe ntanye nke Nxt, 10% nke ego nne nke Nxt ga-ekesa ndị ejiri Nxt dị ka JPL.
• Ardor nwere ike ịbụ onye a pụrụ ịdabere na Nxt, n'ihi na ọ nwere otu afọ ahụmahụ na otu na nkà na ụzụ na-eji POS CONSENSUS ALGORITHM iwepụ mpi mpi na iji ike rụọ ọrụ.
• Ardor chepụtara echiche nke CHILD CHAINS, ebe a na-ewepụ ihe azụmahịa site na blockchain ma debe ya n'igwe ojii ozugbo a kwadoro ya, ya mere ịmezi nsogbu BLOAT blockchain, isi nsogbu nchịkọta.
• Ardor mepụtara na JAVA, dịka Nxt, asụsụ mmepe kachasị ewu ewu maka mmepụta azụmahịa.
• Ardor's parent-child architecture architecture kwere ka ụlọ ọrụ na-ewu ngwaahịa ha na ọrụ na-eji ngwa ngwa na-eji na njikọta ụmụ nwanyị na-adabere na nchebe nke nne na nna. Achọghị m ịbụ nwa nke ụmụaka a na-enyeghị ikike, na njirimara nile nke Nxt na nhazi Ardor.
• Ardor na-enye kọmpụ mpempe akwụkwọ ndị na-anaghị achọ ka netwọk ahụ dum kwenye na azụmahịa niile maka ọ bụla dApp, Jelurida na-arụ ọrụ na ntanye ụmụaka ntanetị, nchekwa zuru ezu, nyochaa mmemme DAG, na ndị ọzọ.

Na oge ọhụrụ a nke ICO na mgbanwe ọhụrụ na-abịa, ị ga-ahụ ọkwa mpịakọta, ngwongwo aghụghọ, na atụmatụ mgbapụta nchebe. Mgbe ụfọdụ ọ dị ka agha nke onye nwere ike ịgbagha ya kacha mma ma jiri ọtụtụ ijeri ego gbapụ. Otu echiche buru ibu buru ibu buru ibu ma ana eme ihe mgbe nile maka uzo nke onwe ya na uru ugbua. Ihe kpatara nsogbu bụ isi bụ mmalite nchịkọta blockchain ugbu a site na nchịkọta na-enweghị isi, nkwenkwe ụgha na atụmanya dị elu nke ndị ahịa na-achọ ịwa ọnwa site n'ala ala nke ụwa na sekọnd.

Anyị, dị ka ndị na-etinye ego, kwesịrị ikpe ikpe ziri ezi ma jụọ ajụjụ ndị bụ eziokwu. Ọzọkwa, lee anya na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ ndị mara mma, ma mechaa ụlọ akwụkwọ ọcha, akwụkwọ mpịakọta, echiche akwụkwọ na nkwa aghụghọ. Ọ bụrụ na ị ga-ekpe ikpe, nke ị kwesịrị ịbụ onye na-eme ego, lelee ndị guzobere ya, ndị otu n'ozuzu, nkà na ụzụ dị ugbu a, atụmatụ n'ọdịnihu na ihe ịga nke ọma ha. Were, dịka ọmụmaatụ, lebakwuo anya na ọrụ Jelurida. Lee anya n'ime Nxt, Ardor, na Ignis wee jide n'aka na ị gaghị ele anya ọzọ.

Nke a bụ oku ọ bụla maka ndị investors, ndị na-atụ anya na ndị dị ugbu a. A oku na-eso olu nke nduzi site na ụzọ ọjọọ nke aghụghọ na họrọ amamihe. N'okpuru ebe a bụ ihe ndị ọzọ nwere ikwu maka ụlọ ọrụ ahụ na ihe ndị ha ji emechi blockchain:
"Maka oru ngo ụlọ nwere ọtụtụ nde ndị ọrụ na akụ na ụwa, blochain bloat na arụmọrụ bụ isi nchegbu anyị", ka Manazi Director nke Dominium, Mark Lloyd kwuru.

"N'iji nlezianya soro ọtụtụ teknụzụ blockchain site na ime, gụnyere Ethereum, anyị na-enwe mmetụta siri ike na Ardor bụ ikpo okwu nke kachasị mma maka azụmahịa anyị, karịsịa ahịa nke akụnụba," ka Joost de Kruiff kwuru, bụ Dominium Blockchain Advisor.

"Ardor na-arụ ọrụ dị ezigbo mkpa na-eche echiche banyere ụzọ ọhụrụ iji mepụta ihe gbasara akụrụngwa na nchedo. Ọ bụrụ na emere ya n'ụzọ ziri ezi, njedebe ikpeazụ nwere ike ịbụ ihe ngwọta nke azụmahịa ọ bụla nwere ike ime ma ọ bụrụ na achọrọ ọkachamara nka ma ọ bụ nlekọta na-aga n'ihu, "ka Bennett Garner, Coin Central kwuru.

"Nxt bụ ọrụ dị ịtụnanya ma dị egwu. Enwere m obi ụtọ ịhụ Ardor na-arụ ọrụ, "ka Coinist na-ekwu.

"Ardor na-arụ ọrụ na ụdị Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), na-akwado ọtụtụ okwu na-esi na igbe ahụ ma mee ka ọ dịrị onye ọ bụla mfe ịbanye na ebe nchekwa ahụ, ma na-enyekwa ndị mmepe aka ịmepụta ngwọta ha n'elu ya ", ka TROND VIDAR BJORØY na-ekwu, Ọganihu nke isi nke ngwaahịa na mmejuputa- ATPI Nordics.

"Ardor bụkwa otu ikpo okwu nke dabara adaba iji na-agba ọsọ ICO - onye ọ bụla nwere ike ịmepụta ego ọhụrụ ma nyefee ICO na nkeji ole na ole, na-eme ka ọ bụrụ ihe ọzọ nwere ike ịnweta na Ethereum," ka TROND VIDAR BJORØY, Isi nke Ọzụahịa na Mmezu - ATPI Nordics.

"Ardor bụ isi ihe nchịkọta blockchain-as-a-service (BaaS) nke na-enyere ụlọ ọrụ aka ịkekọrịta ego dijitalụ dị mfe," ka Bitcoin Exchange Guide na-ekwu.

"Jelurida abụghị naanị onye na - ahụ maka ọrụ nchịkọta ọzọ. O mepụtawo ihe ngwaike ngwugwu nke nwere ike maka ndi ozo, "ka Cryptovest na-ekwu.

"Ardor na-egbochi ihe ngwongwo blockchain na-eji ihe eji emepụta ụmụaka, nke na-anaghị edozi ya", kwuru

"Ardor bụ" WordPress nke blockchain ", e jiri ya mee ihe dị mfe, dị ka ndị dị otú ahụ, na-enye ndị ọrụ n'enweghị nsogbu maka nchedo", ka Yusuf Olayode na-ekwu;


Nke a bụ obodo nweere onwe ya nke ndị na-akwado Dominium. Enweghị ike ịchọta ọdịnaya ederede na obodo a ma ọ bụ kwadoro ya na Dominium B.V. na echiche ndị e gosipụtara na obodo a bụ naanị echiche nke onwe anyị, ọ pụtaghị na ha gosipụtara ezi echiche nke Dominium B.V.
Ụfọdụ n'ime isiokwu ndị dị na mpaghara a bụ nsụgharị sitere n'aka ndị ọrụ ntanetị mgbasa ozi nke Dominium B.V.. E nwekwara ike ịdị iche n'etiti nsụgharị Bekee na nsụgharị sụgharịrị. N'ọnọdụ nke esemokwu, akwụkwọ Bekee mbụ nke isiokwu ahụ na-emetụta.

Enweghị ozi ị gụrụ na mgbasa ozi mgbasa ozi ọha na eze nke Dominium B.V. na obodo a kwesiri ka ewere ndụmọdụ ndụmọdụ ego, Dominium B.V. akwadoghị ọrụ ọ bụla a ga-akpọ ma ọ bụ jikọta na obodo a na isiokwu ya.

Ịzụta ma na-ere ahịa cryptocurrencies kwesịrị a na-ewere dị ka nnukwu ihe ize ndụ ọrụ. Biko mee nyocha nke onwe gị tupu i mee ihe ọ bụla gbasara ihe ọ bụla ị gụrụ n'ime obodo a. Dominium B.V. anaghị ewere ọrụ ọ bụla ma ọ bụrụ na i mechara hapụ ego mgbe ị na-azụ ma na-ere ahịa mkpuchi.

Maka nkwekọrịta zuru oke na ọnọdụ nke ebe nrụọrụ weebụ Dominium B.V. na n'elu ikpo okwu biko gaa na ibe a:

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